Levers of Change – Tackling Racial and Economic Inequality in America

The Levers of Change (LOC) Project aims to address racial and economic inequality in America by undertaking fundamental analysis of root causes, providing strategic advice to stakeholders and pursuing direct action to change systems.

The LOC project builds on the Corporate Racial Equity as a Lever of Systemic Change research study that produced several important knowledge products and on-going relationships with independent feminist thought leaders.  

This project is crafted as a powerful agenda for action organized around creating narratives; building movements; and deepening learning for effective systems change.

Our economy is at an inflection point, where the dominant logic of maximizing shareholder value is under pressure but there is little consensus on a replacement. The American Dream is no longer fulfilling its vaunted benefits for society but there is no clear leadership voice or community advocating for alternatives.    

The American economy is at an inflection point, where the dominant logic of maximizing shareholder value is under pressure but there is little consensus on a replacement. The American Dream is no longer fulfilling its vaunted benefits for society but there is no clear leadership voice or community advocating for alternatives.
— Dr. Gillian Marcelle, CEO Resilience Capital Ventures

In Spring 2022, under a mandate from a leading research and policy institute, Resilience Capital Ventures working with a team of researchers and in collaboration with feminist thought leaders, scholars and practitioners, undertook a research study that analyzed root causes of dysfunction in the US economy; identified ten pathways of harm caused to marginalized communities including women and people of color; and explored ways to undertake corporate governance reforms to improve this situation and further justice. This work involved innovative approaches to knowledge generation insofar as there was a partnership with intersectional feminists who are brave voices in the critique of racialized capitalism.  

The results of this project are a five-part set of knowledge products, Part 1- is an Analytical Report including an Agenda for the Future; Part 2 - a Sourcebook with comprehensive compilation of academic and policy literature on these issues; and an Executive Summary for wide distribution of these ideas. A report of a convening and five original discussion papers complete the set. These materials provide the basis for stakeholder engagement, education and awareness raising carried out in partnership with university-based scholars; think tanks; community organizations and campaigns.

It is rich material that takes a stance – making the case for changes at the ideological roots of economic dysfunction rather than only dealing with symptoms.

Corporate Racial Equity as a Lever of Systemic Change

This research study was inspired by work of scholars, practitioners, feminists and civil society organizations in building an equitable economy. It was executed by a team of researchers led by Dr. Gillian Marcelle, founder of Resilience Capital Ventures as part of our thought leadership and advocacy on systems change for human thriving and planetary stewardship.

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